Exciting News!!!

I have been thinking, thinking, brain storming, and thinking some more. You see, I have a need to help others. I wanted to start blogging about photography, helping others learn in the easiest way I can, translating the hundreds of hours of courses and videos, plus the many books and magazines I have read over the last 6 years. However, that challenged the original purpose of this website I created. I have been trying to make the two ideas mesh. Then I came across an ad about blogging. I thought, why not? So, I I am creating a new website, it is currently under construction, but should launch by the end of the week. I am really super excited about this new endeavor. I will be able to separate my actual photography and store, from blog posts, lessons, and e-books. I will also slip in some other photography related topics, as well as some personal stories of adventures, misadventures, and lessons learned along the way on my photographic journey. More to come!!!

Love and Light to all!

Trail Etiquette

With Social Media all the rage these days, from Facebook to Instagram, Twitter to Snapchat, and goodness knows how many other platforms there are, it is really easy to get the word out on all the wonderfully beautiful places that Mother Nature has provided for our viewing pleasure. I truly believe, though, that we have a duty to practice good stewardship while visiting the great outdoors. I have seen some of the most beautiful sights this last year, and with proper care and due diligence, these sights can remain beautiful. It is very discouraging to hear of all the disrespect the land is suffering at the hands of thoughtless souls, packing in their paper espresso cups with the convenient plastic lids and sipping straws, their designer trail mix in the recyclable designer baggies, the store bought bottled water in the recyclable plastic bottles, candy bar wrappers, sandwich baggies, soda pop cans, beer cans, and whatever other garbage that resides within their cute little back packs that are made for looks, not for comfort or functionality. That isn't so bad. To each their own. What gets my blood pressure up is the fact that though they pack it in, they don't pack it out. I swear people think that because something is recyclable, that means it will dissolve and become one with the earth again. This is most definitely not the case. It can take up to 20 years or more for some plastics to decompose, but it never really goes away. It's still plastic, just a different form.. Then you have the pet owners who think they have done a great service by bagging up their dogs waste and leaving it on the side of the trail. I just wish that people would stop and think about it for a minute, or even just a second. 

I can't write a post like this without giving a great big shout out and wave to all the kind people of Washington Hikers and Climbers, and the Washington Trail Association, and many countless others that go on hikes with extra garbage bags purposefully picking up after the disrespectful cretins running amok trying to destroy any semblance of beauty. If it weren't for these lovely people, most of our trails in the great PNW would already look like a landfill, sad but true.

To everyone and anyone reading this, please oh please! If you pack it in, pack it out! There is a saying I wish everyone knew. It is "Leave No Trace". I will be speaking to this a lot. If we are to leave any beauty behind for our future generations, we must act now. Before it is too late. Before everything is Forevermore Lost.

Love and Light to all.

Zoos and Wildlife Preserves

There are many facets to conservation. When looked up in the dictionary, the general gist is to conserve and preserve, to protect and prevent injury, decay, waste and loss. There are as many opinions on the subject as there are definitions. I write today, to offer an insight to my own opinion, my way of thinking, on the subject of zoos and wildlife preserves. When I sit down and really think about it, these facilities are quite valuable to the quest of conservation. They play an integral role in presenting to the public the beauty and mystery of species that many wouldn’t ever be able to see.

When we talk of wildlife conservation, for instance, we are asking for the public to empathize with a cause that doesn’t directly affect them, that they can’t actually see, that has no bearing in their lives whatsoever. People require visual stimuli in cases like this, whether it be from written articles with photographic support, videos and television documentaries, or the local zoo or wildlife preserve. When people can personally interact with the stimuli it enhances the effect.

Now, I am not talking about all zoos. There are some that are only out for the almighty dollar, that don’t care for the animals properly and mistreat them horrifically. Those are abominations and should be closed down as they are discovered. However, there are some good ones, facilities that are dedicated to conservation on many different levels, knowing they are all connected in some way, shape or form; ones that are there for rehabilitation of the injured, sick or displaced first and foremost and get them returned to the wild if possible, and housing and caring for them if not. There are those with breeding programs for endangered species, or species close to endangerment. Without these programs, certain animals could be Forevermore Lost.

These facilities also have educational programs, fundraising events, and special exhibits and attractions all geared towards increasing public awareness. As a child I can remember going to Sea World. If it had not been for the attractions there, I would have never been exposed to sea life. Moving up here, the Point Defiance Zoo and Aquarium was, and continues to be, a place of constant pleasure and amazement. I remember having an Animal Science class in high school and getting a behind the scenes tour of the entire facility. That stuck with me through the years and I have really enjoyed watching it grow and change, getting better always.

Zoos and wildlife preserves open many minds and doors of opportunity. Children and adults can see firsthand how different creatures care for their young, how it’s not all that different from us caring for our own. They can experience the comical antics of some species that just love to have fun. People can observe other species that aren’t indigenous to our area, and learn some amazing new facts. Then there are those with aquariums that offer a window into a world that, unless you get trained to dive, very few would have the privilege to otherwise view. I can also say, for photographers aspiring to catch wildlife images in natural settings, a good place to practice is the zoo. You have a more confined and controlled atmosphere in which to capture your subject and figure out what settings are needed, and while learning you don’t have the added stress of your personal safety or that of the animal.

Where do I come into this, you might ask? Well, as a photographer,  and an animal lover, I see all the wonder and greatness that can come from these facilities. Therefore, I have created a page in my portfolio specifically dedicated to animals I have had the honor to photograph in zoos and wildlife preserves. Please take a look, and enjoy these beautiful images. Remember, conservation starts within; within your heart, within your mind; within your home.

Love and Light to all…